Honors College Thesis

SIMstat: Hardware Design Considerations for Implementing a Low-Cost, Portable Potentiostat

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  • Electroanalytical techniques allow scientists and engineers to characterize bulk solutions as well as interfaces. Potentiostats are commonly used by researchers in a variety of disciplines to analyze the chemistry which occurs at a working electrode surface. Advancements in microelectronics and the proliferation of open-source designs have allowed researchers to construct their own potentiostats which are both cheaper and more portable than their benchtop counterparts. High-end laboratory potentiostats cost thousands of dollars, which has motivated academics to design their own low-cost potentiostats suitable for unconventional applications. Many handheld potentiostats have been designed over the years which achieve current measurement accuracies near their benchtop counterparts. This article serves to summarize the state of low-cost potentiostat research and will analyze the engineering tradeoffs made in several frequently cited designs. Then, we will summarize the design and development thus far for a new low-cost potentiostat, named “SIMstat.” The research and development completed for the completion of this thesis can be used to accelerate both the design and implementation a new low-cost potentiostat for the Sensors and Integrated Microelectronics (SIMs) Lab at Oregon State. Additionally, this thesis will serve as a resource to educate electrical engineers about electrochemical principles for circuit design.
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