Honors College Thesis

Robotic path-planning through dynamic maps

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  • Robotic global navigation is often based on the assumption that the world is static. It assumes that obstacles present in maps will be there later and new obstacles will be dealt with by a local planning algorithm. When robots interact in an environment inhabited by people, this assumption does not hold. People add dynamism to the world and, in order for robots to deal with this properly, these changes must be addressed. This project explores possible methods for representing dynamism in Robot Operating System (ROS) navigation software and methods for robots to navigate with this new information. It presents an adaptation of ROS software to handle the added complexity and compares the results of dynamic map-based navigation with traditional approaches. The results of this analysis find benefits in plan quality and indicate that the topic is deserving of further study. As this is a broad topic, many new areas for future work were uncovered that would allow full integration of this representation with existing ROS software.
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Non-Academic Affiliation
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Peer Reviewed

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