Undergraduate Thesis Or Project

The Position of Sidney Lanier in American Letters

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  • American Literature, previous to the Civil War, is of necessity confined closely to the writers and writings of New England and New York. At present however a gradual widening of the literary field may be clearly discernible. The South and West now contribute their share, and no one can truly say that any one section of our country predominates in literary products. The South, if any, can be called really unique in its progress along this line. From the first, its literature has been small and sporadic. But this we expect, for the South has from the beginning contained, in the mass, a peculiar people; and these people with their odd social system, their patriarchal life of the plantation, together with the savages of war, have not been conducive to literary achievement. They have produced great genius in almost every other line, but few authors of high rank. This may be due to the fact that the demand for literature in the South has been small. The leisure class on the whole seem to care little for reading, the masses are illiterate, and what writing has been produced received audience only by the North. Notwithstanding, it seems that if poets were born in that land of natural scenery, lowland and hill, river and swamp, bird and flower, color and music, sunshine and summer, they could not have been suppressed. And this has in a measure been true, for although surrounded by poverty, war and ruin a few have sung, and to the mind of many the sweetest of these is Sidney Lanier.
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