Graduate Thesis Or Dissertation

Relations between geology and mass movement features in a part of the East Fork Coquille River watershed, southern Coast Range, Oregon

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  • Various types of mass movement features are found in the drainage basin of the East Fork Coquille River in the southern Oregon Coast Range. The distribution and forms of mass movement features in the area are related to geologic factors and the resultant topography. The Jurassic Otter Point Formation, a melange of low-grade metamorphic and marine sedimentary rocks, is present in scattered outcrops in the southwest portion of the study area but is not extensive. The Tertiary Roseburg Formation consists primarily of bedded siltstone and is compressed into a series of west to northwest-striking folds. The overlying Lookingglass, Flournoy, and Tyee Formations consist of rhythmically bedded sandstone and siltstone units with an east to northeasterly dip of 5-15°decreasing upward in the stratigraphic section. The units form cuesta ridges with up to 2000 feet of relief. Signature redacted for privacy. The distribution of mass movements is demonstrably related to the bedrock geology and the study area topography. Debris avalanches are more common on the steep slopes underlain by Flournoy Formation and Tyee Formation sandstones, on the obsequent slope of cuesta ridges, and on north-facing slopes. Soil creep occurs throughout the study area and may be the primary mass movement form in siltstone terrane, though soil creep was not studied in detail. Slump-earthflows, rockfalls, and rock slumps also occur in the study area though less extensively than debris avalanches. Stratigraphy and bedrock attitude contributed to the pre-historic occurrence of a major landslide involving Flournoy and Tyee Formation bedrock. The Sitkum landslide dammed the East Fork Coquille River, forming a substantial lake which is now filled with sediments. The form and size of the Sitkum landslide is similar to other landslides which have dammed drainages in the Coast Range, including Loon Lake, Triangle Lake, and Drift Creek. Comparisons with the Loon Lake landslide, which has a known radiocarbon date, provide estimated dates of 3125 years B.P. for the Sitkum landslide and 10,300 years for the Triangle Lake landslide.
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  • Textual file scanned at 300 ppi (Monochrome, 24-bit Color) using ScandAll PRO 1.8.1 on a Fi-6670 in PDF format. CVista PdfCompressor 4.0 was used for pdf compression and textual OCR. Plate 1 TIFF file scanned at 600 dpi (8-bit grayscale) using SlmartLF 1.3.05 on a Paradigm ImagePRO GxT 42 HD (OEM version of ColortracSmartLF Bx 42). Image manipulated by SmartLF1.3.05. Plate 1 JPEG file scanned at 300 dpi (8-bit grayscale) using SlmartLF 1.3.05 on a Paradigm ImagePRO GxT 42 HD (OEM version of ColortracSmartLF Bx 42). Image manipulated by SmartLF1.3.05. Plate 2 TIFF file scanned at 300 dpi (8-bit grayscale) using SlmartLF 1.3.05 on a Paradigm ImagePRO GxT 42 HD (OEM version of ColortracSmartLF Bx 42). Image manipulated by SmartLF1.3.05. Plate 2 JPEG file scanned at 300 dpi (8-bit grayscale) using SlmartLF 1.3.05 on a Paradigm ImagePRO GxT 42 HD (OEM version of ColortracSmartLF Bx 42). Image manipulated by SmartLF1.3.05. For full resolution tiff file contact scholarsarchive@OSU.

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