Honors College Thesis

Numeric Benchmark Study of Plate Vibration Experiments in Air and Water

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  • A set of experimental plates were characterized to understand their dynamic response in both air and water; in support of work performed at the Hydro-Mechanical Fuel Test Facility and the Global threat Reduction Initiative. In an attempt to gain further insight into the vibration of the experimental test plates, a numeric benchmark study was performed to calculate their fundamental frequencies for vibration in both air and water, employing a novel modeling method to simulate submersion; one which allowed both the plate and the fluid domain to be modeled in the same numeric software package. Results show that the air simulation compares well with the analytic solutions; however comparison against experimental data is challenging, with no obvious trends present. Given the available experimental data, select air simulations are quite accurate, and careful selection of boundary conditions for other boundaries yields representative results. For simulations of plates submerged underwater, larger data sets for both experimental and numeric will be required to establish trends with a high degree of confidence; however preliminary results suggest the method can be accurate to a first order approximation, requiring minimal computational resources.
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Commencement Year
Non-Academic Affiliation
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Peer Reviewed

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